Born on Friday the 13th in July of 1956 in Lewistone, Maine.  Doug was born to Hough and Esther Snow and was the youngest of four children. Doug grew up in the home of an Assemblies of God pastor.


While grateful for the Christian influence on his early childhood, he grew up frustrated, confused and disillusioned by what he saw as the disparity between what the Bible taught and what he saw practiced. 


In the early 1970s, his teenage years, his family moved from New York to Orange California. It was then that he was first introduced to the ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where he attended the Saturday night concerts and weekly Bible studies hearing Pastor Chuck Smith teach expositionally through the Word of God. It was a time of genuine revival and the Spirit of God was working in the hearts of young people to live radically for the Lord. It was then he understood the power of the Spirit working through the Word of God, as it was applied with love and grace to hungry souls.

Doug went through some heartaches and struggles as a teenager trying to find his own way, but at the age of 17, he dedicated his life completely to Christ. He struggled through his first years as a believer as God faithfully dealt with the compromises and hypocrisies of his own life.  


In February of 1979, Doug married his wife Janet and together they began their spiritual journey seeking God’s leading for their lives. They served in a couple youth pastorate positions and eventually moved to Seattle, Washington seeking the will of God for their future. He did a number of varying jobs and eventually they went to work at Alpine Boy’s Ranch, a ministry in Leavenworth Washington, where they served as house parents to troubled teenage boys.


Throughout the years, Doug could never get over the fact that he was deeply burdened for the Church and he saw the need for solid biblical expositional teaching and a growing burden to see believers grow and mature in their faith. It was clear to him that God was calling him to become a pastor.   In 1989, at the age of 33, Doug, Janet, and their two young daughters followed the leading of the Lord and moved Portland Oregon for Doug to attend Multnomah Bible School.


In his senior year, while he was also serving as an elder and worship leader of Calvary Chapel Portland, a small group of believers asked him to consider starting a home group with the idea of becoming a church.   With the encouragement from their church, in March of 1992, they began a Sunday evening Bible study in Gladstone. By the first Sunday of June of that same year, that small group of believers rented space at the Clackamas Business Center and began holding Sunday morning services.


Originally, the church went by the title of “Calvary Chapel North Clackamas” but changed their name several years later to “Calvary Chapel Southeast” (CCSE) when they found themselves located in Southeast Portland. They moved to their present facility in Milwaukie in June of 2002. 


Over the years, through blessings and tribulations, God has patiently and graciously led their fellowship in His love and grace, and that has resulted in church plants as well as various missionary endeavors from those sent out from CCSE.


After 30 years of faithful ministry, Doug and Janet transitioned away from their role at CCSE and began a new chapter of ministry where Doug loves to come alongside churches and Pastors and serve in any way needed. 

Doug and Janet currently reside in Prineville, Oregon and are the parents of five children and currently have 12 grandchildren.

Born on Friday the 13th in July of 1956 in Lewistone, Maine.  Doug was born to Hough and Esther Snow and was the youngest of four children. Doug grew up in the home of an Assemblies of God pastor.


While grateful for the Christian influence on his early childhood, he grew up frustrated, confused and disillusioned by what he saw as the disparity between what the Bible taught and what he saw practiced. 


In the early 1970s, his teenage years, his family moved from New York to Orange California. It was then that he was first introduced to the ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa where he attended the Saturday night concerts and weekly Bible studies hearing Pastor Chuck Smith teach expositionally through the Word of God. It was a time of genuine revival and the Spirit of God was working in the hearts of young people to live radically for the Lord. It was then he understood the power of the Spirit working through the Word of God, as it was applied with love and grace to hungry souls.

Doug went through some heartaches and struggles as a teenager trying to find his own way, but at the age of 17, he dedicated his life completely to Christ. He struggled through his first years as a believer as God faithfully dealt with the compromises and hypocrisies of his own life.  


In February of 1979, Doug married his wife Janet and together they began their spiritual journey seeking God’s leading for their lives. They served in a couple youth pastorate positions and eventually moved to Seattle, Washington seeking the will of God for their future. He did a number of varying jobs and eventually they went to work at Alpine Boy’s Ranch, a ministry in Leavenworth Washington, where they served as house parents to troubled teenage boys.


Throughout the years, Doug could never get over the fact that he was deeply burdened for the Church and he saw the need for solid biblical expositional teaching and a growing burden to see believers grow and mature in their faith. It was clear to him that God was calling him to become a pastor.   In 1989, at the age of 33, Doug, Janet, and their two young daughters followed the leading of the Lord and moved Portland Oregon for Doug to attend Multnomah Bible School.


In his senior year, while he was also serving as an elder and worship leader of Calvary Chapel Portland, a small group of believers asked him to consider starting a home group with the idea of becoming a church.   With the encouragement from their church, in March of 1992, they began a Sunday evening Bible study in Gladstone. By the first Sunday of June of that same year, that small group of believers rented space at the Clackamas Business Center and began holding Sunday morning services.


Originally, the church went by the title of “Calvary Chapel North Clackamas” but changed their name several years later to “Calvary Chapel Southeast” (CCSE) when they found themselves located in Southeast Portland. They moved to their present facility in Milwaukie in June of 2002. 


Over the years, through blessings and tribulations, God has patiently and graciously led their fellowship in His love and grace, and that has resulted in church plants as well as various missionary endeavors from those sent out from CCSE.


Doug and Janet currently reside in Gladstone, Oregon and are the parents of five children and currently have 10 grandchildren.